Wednesday, July 16, 2008

on checking exams

Last week I gave the first ever long exam of my teaching career. The excitement was overwhelming that I in fact created a very long test for most of the students. I wasn't very much concerned with the difficulty they had since they'll still be learning from the answers to the exam questions, even if they get low grades. However, now that I am checking their papers, I am having difficulty deciding the partial scores for essay and problem solving, and I am already consuming a lot of man-hours in this acticivity. So up to now(it's 3:52 in the morning), I still have another final item to finish checking. And it seems to be the hardest part to check. huhuhu...

Teaching is a learning process. So next exam, I'll be giving less essay and problem solving type questions, that's easier to check. hehehe


ella said...

i suggest giving multiple choice exams. right-wrong, write the correct answer if not among the choices. they will hate you, but you get to sleep earlier. hehehe

Unknown said...

good idea. i'll try this next time. i think they already hate me right now.